History of The Alumni Association

On May 2-3, 2008, an NJIT Alumni Leadership Summit was attended by twenty-five alumni leaders; including representatives of NJIT's Regional Alumni Clubs, NJIT Corporate Clubs, Reunion Class chairs, President's Council of Alumni Advisors, and the university's Board of Overseers.

The Summit resulted in the formation of a new Alumni Association of NJIT.  Building upon the traditions and heritage of our previous alumni organizations, while no longer a separate non-profit corporation; the Association is now fully integrated into the university’s Office of Alumni Relations, part of the division of University Advancement.  The Association’s mission will be to advance the interests of NJIT, expand our alumni network, and continue the development of volunteer opportunities for alumni to be active in the affairs of the university and its future. 

NJIT alumni are very proud of their degree and the school's reputation for providing a rigorous education.  As the Alumni Association begins this new effort and works in partnership with the university to strengthen NJIT and promote its academic reputation, the value of every NJIT degree is enhanced.  We are looking forward to making a positive difference for our Alma Mater in the months and years ahead. 

Historical Documents of the Alumni Association of NJIT